Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sydney Laneways 2009, Australia—No. 13

Monday 5 October

Laneway 13: Little Hunter Street

In this street was one of the artworks called 'The meeting place'. There were people mingling around taking photos.

I happened upon a little drain in Little Hunter Street.

Inside the drain was water with an interesting reflection of the Australia Square tower. It reminded me of a belly button in the road or a wishing well in which you could see the future.

And lo and behold the next photo I took was a photo of the tower
—as the little well had predicted.

Sydney Laneways 2009, Australia—No. 12

Monday 5 October

Laneway 12: Hamilton Street

The artwork exhibition by George has started in the laneways, sites 12 and 13 are in use for the project. The dotted area is an outdoor bar area I think.

The posture of this Aussie bloke made me want to zoom in on him.

Sydney Laneways 2009, Australia—No. 11

Monday 5 October

Laneway 11: Curtin Place

Laneways were a reason to leave the house on Monday 5 October. It was a busy weekend, but a walk is always good for the spirits especially when one has slept til noon. I'm glad I went. There are always gems to be found—like little magic button man, so dapper. He'd be great at a party.