I like things that lead off the top and this front door spy hole reminded me of Stasi secret cameras. The most memorable for me at the Stasi museum was the camera pointing out of the hole in a bird box, how frustrating for a bird trying to get inside

I love the details of the vents in Sydney, hmmm another theme if I have time

To keep things in or out

Some boys were running and hiding from each other, cute

7–9 is also the number address of the Russian Consulate in Sydney

Central Street
Only 16 laneways left to explore
Good job as I resigned from my role as project editor at Weldon Owen. I am currently working on two illustrated children's books called Turning Points Science and Turning Points Headlines and should be able to finish most of the work on these before I go—at least the creative part. It seems appropriate that this should be such a turning point for me. Russia, St Petersburg and the Hermitage look like they are really going to happen. I have a scan of my official letter, it just needs to arrive in the office and then I can apply for my visa, three months.
After these 2 laneways I darted off to meet Ben and Julia, we ate pizza (including a martha—yes!) at Young Alfred, then we went to see Daniel Kitson. How I look forward to having a cooked breakfast at the Pantry in Crystal Palace!