I enjoy observing the melting of the Neva and birds on the Neva, 'Project 1' and seeing as I started photographing from when I arrived, I'm on track. I can put them all together at the end. The ice is always different. I like following change being conscious of it.
Realised just how much I love drawing, to the point if someone stops me I feel crushed and positively ill. It's great to feel such passion and to acknowledge it, so I started doing more drawing. 'Project 2' realising the joy of doing and not worrying about how it looks, which is why it's good for me to put things on here even if i don't really like them, to value the process.
Also came to the conclusion that I won't have laser eye surgery. Colour and light are really important and I just don't know if the surgery would very subtly change my perception or rather reception of light and therefore colour, so then what would happen to my interpretation of the world. A wanky excuse perhaps or just another realisation.
I've gone bigger pictures and will redo my earlier pics when I have time, Lok. You'll have to trust me that Jillian is very pretty (the girl in the archaeology department thought we were sisters, ha, ha, I'll take that compliment). We went to the Menshikov Palace yesterday morning. Shelley you would love the tiles in the bedrooms, tiles all over the walls, so pretty. Clocks that tick and gently sound the hours, like friends Jillian remarked. It was just all a bit more delicate than the imposing baroque Hermitage. Wooden rooms where you could feel the warmth and peacefulness of trees, a bit sad they are no longer alive, but it really affected the atmosphere in the room. And a grand ballroom one might find at Netherfield.
Drawing because you enjoy it is all that matters. Bollocks to anyone who tells you different.
ReplyDeleteLove the chap in the big hat!
Agree with the lady above and completely understand re laser surg. We all see our own reality. If it was seriously impairing your life then fine. But how disturbing to wake up and look out of different eyes!!
ReplyDeleteI watched a prog on manic depression recently and only one out of all the people they spoke to said they would get rid of the condition if they could. The other all felt that, despite the downsides, it was an intrinsic part of who they were. Sort of a more serious version of your laser adversion ;-)